Dress for your shape - It's Shape That Matters, Not Size

Want to know how to best dress for your shape?

Dress for your shape made easy and here's how.

To make it easier for you we have listed the main physical characteristics for each body type to help identify how to best dress for your body type.

Try not to disqualify yourself from a shape because you don't think every one of the listed characteristics applies to you. Consider your overall silhouette.

You may know your body type very well and that's great, but for those of you who are unsure then we have a detailed body shape chart which will help you in making the right choice for your dream dress!

If you are uncertain, you might like to take a photo of yourself in a leotard, and place your silhouette over the shapes in our body shape categories until you find the right one.

If you are still finding it difficult to pigeonhole yourself, it will help to get a bunch of friends over and turn the process into a party. Your mates will be able to look at you more objectively than you can yourself. So slip on your stilettos, your journey to finding the right dress starts right here, right now!

The 12 Types of Body Shapes - Which one are you?

The Body Shape Chart information below is the result of thirty years of assessing and dressing women that visited our Shop Boutique, who have come in all shapes, sizes and ages, and realising quite simply that shape is the single most important factor in influencing how you dress.

The categories below cover the most common blends of the female form.

Ninety-nine percent of women fall into one ( or possibly two ) of these categories.

Take a look at our chart below for an overview of the twelve shapes. Once you have established the one which best describes you, take a look at the body shape icon to read the defining features of your shape. If you feel that your body shape falls between two silhouettes, then take a look at both.

Click on the body shape icons for more tips tailored to you.

Skittle Body Shape
Vase Body Shape
Pear Body Shape
Hour Glass Body Shape
Goblet Body Shape
Brick Body Shape
Cello Body Shape
Lollipop Body Shape
Column Body Shape
Cornet Body Shape
Bell Body Shape
Apple Body Shape

If you want to learn even more about dressing for your shape then click here to view Trinny and Susannah's you tube clips.

Prom Dresses UK > Dress For Your Shape

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